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We design better cybersecurity products

We design better cybersecurity products

You know your product delivers value. We'll help you plan, design, and build an experience that helps your enterprise customers know it, too.

A screenshot that shows the query view for Grey Noise.

Our UX redesign led to a 62% increase in GreyNoise daily active users

We worked with anti-threat intelligence company GreyNoise to redesign their Visualizer. After the update, daily active users grew by 62%, and new accounts topped 1,300 in the first 60 days. GreyNoise has since raised over $5 million in seed investment.

Andrew Morris

“The very first mockup Austin showed me was the exact thing we went with...I was like, ‘WHOOAA, THAT’S IT!!’”

Andrew Morris

CEO of GreyNoise

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Andrew Morris

Andrew Morris

CEO of GreyNoise

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“The very first mockup Austin showed me was the exact thing we went with...I was like, ‘WHOOAA, THAT’S IT!!’”

You have a product, but it’s holding your startup back…

You know the next step for your business, and you have the bones of a product that’ll help you take that step. 

But you don’t have a UX designer on staff. 

You could hire one, but it’s unlikely they’ll have the technical knowledge to understand your product. And you don’t want to risk the time and overhead it takes to hire two or three (or more) employees to bridge the skills gap. 

You need a low-risk option to get frontend and backend product expertise — without compromising on speed or quality.

You need a full-stack team of product experts

Go from technically complex to technically beautiful

We are a team of technical designers and developers. We understand the ins-and-outs of complex and data-heavy products. We care deeply about user experience and beautiful design, too. 

This means we’re good at balancing dense information with clean, user-friendly experiences. 

The kind of experiences that wins you enterprise deals.

Build a more effective product with product strategy

Part of our process (yup, there’s a process!) includes mapping out critical pieces of your product.
That means figuring out what’s most valuable to your customers and your business, throughout the entire product experience.

A venn diagram of business needs, customer needs, and "what's possible". An arrow points to the overlap of all three circles with the note "Great Products".

It also means keeping a careful eye on what’s important, frontend to back, project start to finish. We do that, too.

The result? A product that’s just as useful to you as it is to customers. Hello, scale.

Your experts + our experts = getting things done

We’re not just experts on development and design — we also get the business side of product building. If we’re not sure a feature or approach will help you reach your goals, we’ll say so. We ask straightforward questions like “Why?” and “Have you thought about this?” 

Clients love our “entrepreneurial swagger.”

Condensing millions of data points onto one intuitive screen

Sentinel Intrusion Prevention Systems had a product concept that could improve support abilities, boost account retention, and propel the company forward. When they needed a low-risk way to move that concept forward, they hired us. 

Chris Gathright

"We've had the best possible experience we could have hoped for."

Chris Gathright

CTO at SentinelIPS

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Chris Gathright

Chris Gathright

CTO at SentinelIPS

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"We've had the best possible experience we could have hoped for."

Here's who else has trusted us...

Our clients include Grey Noise, Sentinel Intrusion Prevention Systems, Orbital, Scope, Recon Infosec, and Rumble.
Our clients include Grey Noise, Sentinel Intrusion Prevention Systems, Orbital, Scope, Recon Infosec, and Rumble.
Our clients include Grey Noise, Sentinel Intrusion Prevention Systems, Orbital, Scope, Recon Infosec, and Rumble.
A list of client logos featuring; Greynoise, Sentinel, Orbital, Scope Security, Recon Infosec, and Rumble.

Schedule a 30 min intro call

Snag a time on Andrew’s calendar to talk about your product and
how Krit can help you move it forward. If we're not a good fit,
we're happy to refer you to someone who is.

Frequently asked questions

What is your availability?

We can often schedule your first milestone (a Strategy Session) one month in advance. However, you should know we intentionally keep our client list small, so we can give each client detailed attention. For this reason, our services book out two to three months in advance. We recommend you reach out sooner than later if you’re interested; it never hurts to start the conversation early.

What stack do you use?

In most cases, we rely on Vue.js and Nuxt.js for the frontend. Here’s why.

Where is your team based?

Our team is remote, but every employee is located in the US.

Can we revise the designs you give us?

Yes, we’ll ask for your feedback at each stage of our design process (there are several stages). We’ll also get to know your business, team, customers, and goals beforehand, so the designs we craft are a good fit from the start. 

Can you help with implementation after the design phase?

Absolutely, our full stack team includes skilled frontend and backend developers. Check out our portfolio to see how we’ve helped cybersecurity teams implement designs in the past. 

Do you provide ongoing support?

Yes, we offer ongoing retainers for select clients who want help supporting or iterating on their product. Our retainers start at $12,000 per month.

How available are you on a day-to-day basis?

We set up a shared Slack channel with every client, and our team is available Monday through Friday, 9 am - 5 pm, ET. While we don’t offer around-the-clock support, we do prioritize collaboration with your internal team. 

Mike Murray

“It's been great, we got exactly what we wanted.”

Mike Murray

Founder of Scope Security

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We’re not for you if…

You're pre-seed or pre-revenue

We have a big heart for brand-spanking-new businesses, but we work best with teams who’ve raised a seed round or exceeded $1MM in annual revenue. If you’re not there yet, check out our resources on building a product roadmap and nailing customer interviews.

You need a product next month

We understand time is precious when you’re a startup. But from years of experience, we also know effective products take planning and careful execution. While we move fast, we do require several months to plan, design, and execute the kind of work you see in our portfolio. 

You don’t want strategic input or process

Our best projects happen when clients trust our process and turn to us for advice and strategy. When your experts are listening to our experts (and vice versa!), we’re able to build better products faster. 
